ACCESS REPORT for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
6.17 Mb
ACOUSTIC REPORT for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
1.58 Mb
ARBORIST REPORT for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
12.85 Mb
ARCHITECTURAL PLANS for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
15.12 Mb
Basix Certificate for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
.13 Mb
Checklist Water Sensitive Urban Design for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
1.02 Mb
FLOOD REPORT for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
4.65 Mb
GEOTECHNICAL REPORT for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
.42 Mb
Landscape Plan for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
1.17 Mb
Plan of Management for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
1.18 Mb
Planning Portal Form for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
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Site Survey for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
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Staff Only Letter of Authority for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
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STORMWATER for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
4.53 Mb
TRAFFIC REPORT for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
2.65 Mb
Waste Management Plan for DA200459 Demolition of the existing dwelling and the construction of a five (5) storey boarding house at 1 Station Lane PENRITH.pdf
29/07/2020 |
2.57 Mb
Amended Access Report for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
1.67 Mb
Amended Architectural Plans for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
15.22 Mb
Amended BASIX Certificate for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
.14 Mb
Amended Landscape Plan for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
.91 Mb
Amended Notification Plans for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
2.14 Mb
Amended Plan of Management for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
.47 Mb
Amended Section J Report for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
1.98 Mb
Amended Social Impact Assessment for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
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Amended Statement of Environmental Effects for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
4.65 Mb
Amended Stormwater Plans for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
2.18 Mb
Amended Waste Management Plan for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
18/06/2021 |
2.41 Mb
Amended Traffic Report for DA20/0459 at 1 Station Lane PENRITH NSW 2750
21/06/2021 |
6.64 Mb